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Agent 4. 7 Wikipedia. Agent 4. 7 is a fictional character and main protagonist of the Hitman video game series released by IO Interactive and Square Enix Europe. He is consistently voiced by David Bateson. In video gameseditAgent 4. As the Hitman video game series allows players the option of engaging in stealth based strategy to avoid conflict, Agent 4. Digimon Masters is the latest MMO featuring the everpopular Digimon franchise. This long awaited game will feature a deeper RPG experience, enhanced graphics and. This is featured post 1 title. You can easy customize the featured slides from the theme options page, on your Wordpress dashboard. You can also disable featured. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Agent 4. 7 at the beginning of a level or displayed in a cut scene with various characters in the game to avoid detection. There are a wide variety of costumes to choose from including police, military, medical and culinary uniforms that are all made available by incapacitating non player characters and stealing their clothing. In addition to the signature suit, alternative stock costumes are occasionally provided. In Codename 4. 7, he is seen wearing a guerrilla camouflage in the jungle, while in Silent Assassin Agent 4. Japanese mountains and a blue turban in Afghanistan. At the end of Blood Money, Agent 4. In addition to clothing, Agent 4. Mix Master Torrent' title='Mix Master Torrent' />He prefers to use a pair of silver customized AMT Hardballers, a M1. Silverballers. Following the third video game in the series, Hitman Contracts, the Hitman symbol replaces the Silverballer logos that are typically printed on the side of the pistols slide. Throughout the franchise, the Silverballers serve as Agent 4. Dr. Ort Meyers journal. Agent 4. 7 is completely bald with very pale skin and blue eyes with dark eyebrows. His International Contract Agency ICA file from Hitman Absolution states his height as 1. In Hitman Enemy Within, his weight is given as 8. Since players of the video game series control the character from a third person perspective, the barcode that is tattooed on the back of his head is starkly prominent, although in Hitman Absolution, he has the tattoo covered by a bandage for most of the game, after he removes it in an attempt to disguise himself. His barcode acts as a security key to access areas of the facility where he was created and trained. Code 3. 9 according to Dr. Ort Meyers journal, the barcode was added to the tattoo in 1. Curiously, the other characters in the games appear oblivious to the conspicuous tattoo. A newspapers description of 4. Hitman Blood Money fails to mention the barcode as a notable characteristic. Character historyeditAgent 4. September 5, 1. 96. Romanian asylum with the number 6. YY DD MM format denotes his date of birth, 0. Series IV, 0. 1 documents that he is the first clone in the series, and 4. In the Hitman game series and the Hitman novel, Agent 4. His creation was funded by a group of investors who donated their own DNA to the project. In Hitman Codename 4. French Foreign Legion. After their stint was finished, four of those men returned to their respective countries and founded their own criminal empires, becoming 4 of the biggest criminals in the world. The remaining one, Dr. Otto Ort Meyer, ran a mental institution which he used as a cover for genetic experiments. In exchange for research funding, Ort Meyer provided his former comrades with donor organs harvested from clone bodies, which significantly extended their longevity. In Hitman Codename 4. Ort Meyers accomplices are said to be 6. The men whose DNA contributed to 4. Five Fathers, consisting of Dr. Otto Wolfgang Ort Meyer himself, Lee Hong, Pablo Belisario Ochoa, Frantz Fuchs and Arkadij Boris Jegorov. Otto Wolfgang Ort Meyer is a discredited German scientist living in Romania, whose radical theories were deemed insane by his peers. Ort Meyer believed that genetic recombination and human cloning could be used to produce a perfect version of the human species, superior in strength and mind, and unburdened by conscience. His ultimate goal, unbeknownst to his associates, was to create an army of flawless and unquestioningly obedient supermen under his control. When Ort Meyers associates become suspicious of his motives, he employs 4. When 4. 7 discovers Ort Meyers plans, he manages to eradicate his latest series of clones, known as the Mr. Ort Meyers neck. Ultimately, Ort Meyer managed to perfect the process enough to produce an assembly line of genetically augmented clones, including Mr. Hitman video game. Ort Meyers fourth series of clones, possessing a 4. DNA harvested from the worlds most dangerous criminals, endowed him with levels of strength, speed, stamina, and intelligence significantly above the human norm. In Hitman Blood Money, it is explained that American interests had repeatedly attempted to replicate Ort Meyers success, but were largely unsuccessful. Ort Meyers research. Other clones produced by Ort Meyer were plagued by medical problems such as albinism and extremely short lifespans before 4. Ort Meyers research was distributed among many covert cloning labs, but is insufficient a sample of 4. DNA gaps, making him an extremely valuable specimen. Early lifeeditFrom ages five to seven, 4. His only display of affection was towards a runaway laboratory rabbit he adopted at August 2. Dr. Ort Meyer. However it died on May 2, 1. Ort Meyer noticed 4. Five years later, he also showed affection to a pet mouse. He cared for the mouse for about a month, until it was killed by a fellow clone as a cruel prank. They were both 1. After watching a kickboxing tournament held by Ort Meyer for his friends and colleagues, he killed the clone in a toilet stall by choking him to death and left his face submerged in the toilet. To escape the asylum, he made a fiber wire out of a windowsill and broken parts of a broom, oiled squeaky door hinges to sneak out, and stashed a bow and arrow to kill a guard dog before he jumped the gate. He hitchhiked his way into a Romanian town, without money. He first noticed luxury clothing stores. Later, an asylum doctor found him at a bus stop and ironically rewarded him with a pancake breakfast. He explained to 4. Between ages thirteen and twenty three 1. On one occasion, 4. Dr. Ort Meyer to assign more security for 4. TrainingeditAlong with the other clones, 4. He was instructed in the use of firearms, military hardware, unarmed combat, the use of disguises, and the use of more classical tools of assassination like the infamous fiber wire and poisons. During his training in Romania, he was noted for his exceptional marksmanship, as well as for attacking the asylum staff with homemade slingshots, all of which were promptly confiscated. Along with learning how to use the tools of an assassin, 4. He also shot smiley faces into targets when he was bored. Instruction Software Installation on this page. This is one of the only possible examples of 4. On September 5, 1. Dr. Ort Meyer went so far as to remember 4. In 1. 99. 3 he stated that 4. As Dr. Ort Meyers friends grew weary of funding him with little results, relations between them soured. Dr. Ort Meyer sometimes blatantly hinted that he would use the clones against them if he felt necessary. Ort Meyer initiated this plan by purposely creating a gap in the asylums security for 4. Having watched 4. Dr. Ort Meyer was very pleased with 4. EmploymenteditAccording to 4. ICA file from the Hitman Absolution trailers, the International Contract Agency first took an interest in 4. HITMAN chronicles how 4. ICA they had been impressed by his previous work as a freelance assassin, and requested to test and audition him. Agent 4. 7 arrived at a ICA training facility and was greeted by fellow trainee Diana Burnwood. While Burnwood believed that 4. ICA, Erich Soders, the facilitys training director, was very reluctant to recruit 4.