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The Professional Services Career Path A Big Four Employee Perspective. Jun, 2. 00. 9 by Richard Vinhais. Im frequently asked by friends, family, clients, job candidates and random people I encounter on my travels what its like to work on the advisory side of a Big 4 firm. Benzalkonium Chloride Preservative Allergy Diet. Typically, if theres time to discuss and theres mutual interest in the exchange, Im immediately bombarded with a slew of follow up questions like  What do you do exactly  How does one get into that line of work  How much do you travel  Is it a good career path  Is there such a thing as work life balance  Is it challenging  Do you think Id be good at it  And so onThe reason Im so consistently willing to discuss my perspective with so many people, especially young professionals, is that I was once in their position and had many of the same questions. When I received answers to my inquiries from people in the profession, many of whom continue to this day to be my friends, I was intrigued. After some time contemplating the potential challenges that such a job would offer, I decided to pursue a chance opportunity to join the ranks of Ernst Young LLP. Ive been with the firm almost three years now. Looking back, I feel as though the six years of professional experience I had accumulated prior to joining E Y, although invaluable on many levels, simply did not hold a candle to the client exposure, professional networks and shear rapid fire experiences afforded to me in my present capacity. I must confess, however, that this outlook reflects how I feel today, which wasnt always the case. Reaching this point has taken an immense amount of patience, hard work, resilience, ambition, and even a little luck. YesI said luck.  To be clear, this article has not been written under the guise of any Big Four recruiters. Its goal is not to solicit top talent or self promote services offered or whatever other angles you might have running through your head right now. I respect all of the Big Four firms, especially mine, a great deal but feel that the only way to offer up a truly unbiased perspective on the lifestyle is to provide genuinely candid insight. The primary purpose of this article is to offer a balanced perspective to those who may be interested in such a career path regardless of industry focus or subject matter area. The article is structured with bold headings and key takeaway bullet points for those only interested in a quick scan. Feel free to bounce around if you already have a solid understanding of certain sections. Chapter 1  Advisory Services. A former colleague of mine summed it up with the following catchphrase  What we sell is the space between these two ears. This bit of Yoda like wisdom was followed by a slowly pointed finger to my forehead. At its simplest form, professional services is an industry where firms like Ernst Young provide clients with the right subject matter experience via resources at the right time and place and, of course, at the right price. As advisors to industry, we provide a valuable benefit, since large businesses are regularly confronted with a bevy of challenges that range from the commonplace, such as not having the internal subject matter experience needed in order to execute upon critical initiatives, to the less mundane, such as perhaps a regulatory mandate to leverage independent third party consultation. The list in between these two examples are vast to be sure and vary greatly in complexity. Organizational Structure Now that you understand the demand from the client side, lets take a look at the delivery or firm side. Firms as you might expect are structured in such a way as to meet client demand. Ernst Young, like any of the Big Four or large professional services firm, is composed of a series of practices or unique groups of resources, ranging from a handful of people to several hundred, which tout similar subject matter experience. These practices are then lumped into larger organizational categories that support the firms overarching strategic vision. Confused yet Heres an example which should clarify things for you a bit  Im part of the Program Advisory Services practice, or PAS for short. My practice then rolls up into the Risk Advisory Services service line. Lets forget what these groupings actually do for the time being. Now, imagine twenty random number other practices such as PAS which falls under the RAS umbrella. Hold that thought. Now once again try to imagine ten or so other service lines like RAS with once again a bunch of sub service lines such as PAS. These groupings also vary from country to country and region to region depending on client demand in that particular geography. These service lines then roll into four major divisions which are Assurance, Transaction, Tax and Advisory. Confusing, rightAh, such is life. Heres the cherry on top  New practices form and old practices consolidate just about every year. Want to know why  Its no secret. Because they have to so in order to remain current with the rigorous demands of an ever changing market landscape. Heres an example  Imagine for a moment that a new regulation to govern Wall Street firms is passed and will be enforced in one years time. This is a possible scenario, I might add, given todays market conditions. The new regulation will have a significant impact on these companies for obvious reasons. Kannada Movie Songs Download 2013'>Kannada Movie Songs Download 2013. It may be a bad luck scenario for companies, but it could be a big opportunity for their professional advisors. This event could provide the foundation for a business case to create a new practice in order to address this potential need of the future. Once the business case is formally presented and a firm commits to the investmentRecruit, train, sell and bam  We now have a new practice with a new focus. This exemplifies why professional services firms cannot have a flat or rigid hierarchy. It is for that main reason that such a fluid organizational structure must be in place. It may not look pretty on an organizational chart that is if you could even find one but I assure you there is critical logic behind this labyrinth of practices. Heres a visual that will hopefully bring things further into focus for you Key Takeaways Advisors at professional services firms sell the space between their ears. Industry perspective, experience and subject matter experience are what clients are really paying for. Firms are equipped to address client demand by providing the right resources, at the right time and place and at the right price. Superman Mugen Ai Patch on this page. The professional services industry is a very dynamic one, which does not follow a flat or rigid organizational structure. Chapter 2 Assurance vs. Android App Cracking Tutorial by AleX. Avete acquistato unapplicazione sul Market ufficiale Google Play e la volete installare su pi terminali. Scott Christensen describes what constitutes a proper cross country warm up or sound daily stretching and flexibility routine for cross country runners. News archive. Home 2014 June Monday 23 June 2014 Osborne tells the North, You need mayors like Boris Chancellor says cities will be offered devolution of.