Xcelsius Dashboard Templates


Investment.gif' alt='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' title='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' />Find the latest white papers, tutorials, free trial downloads, blogs, dashboard templates, and service pack hot fixes for SAP business intelligence dashboard. Resume of David Cohn, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Professional. Installation procedure. We discovered that an active SAP portal is a crucial component in having a working cockpit to allow reporting through Xcelsius. No more missed important software updates UpdateStar 11 lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your computer. BOBJ_MOBI_PM_Dashboard1.jpg' alt='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' title='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' />Getting reacquainted with the BW Administration Cockpit. Purpose. This document is meant to reintroduce the importance of SAP BWs Technical Content and specifically the BW Administration Cockpit. In the recent years, SAP HANA has stolen much of the spotlight from everything else that is equally important to our existing customers who are not ready to move onto the SAP HANA platform. While everyone has been busy acquiring knowledge and getting acquitted with the latest SAP HANA capabilities and functions, little did we notice that SAP has sneaked in significant changes to the technical content that we have been so familiar with. For example, an Xcelsius dashboard has been included to provide a management style reporting while installation has become much more straightforward. This article is not meant to discuss the importance of using Technical Content in a BW environment but to raise the awareness of how easy it is to implement, what the new functionality can address and learnings that we have gathered while enabling this feature. This document should be use as a guide to setup the BW Administration Cockpit in an environment where this has not been enabled. The effort is relatively minimal with no significant impact on existing objects but please address the warning messages in the installation log. The estimated effort require to complete this installation from an end to end process should not require anywhere greater than 1. Benefits. You may skip this section if you have prior experience with SAP BWs Technical Content. This section is aim to provide a high level understanding on the importance of using and having visibility of the systems health through use of the generated numerical logs within the BW application. Aside from the obvious benefits of being of being able to contextualise error and perform analysis, enabling the BW Administration Cockpit is surprising simple. There are no additional licensing costs associated with it and this feature comes as part of the Net. Weaver platform. So in essence, you have a free, powerful and insightful tool that if not leverage, will be such a waste. The advantage of empowering your clients to monitor the health of the system will allows them a greater knowledge to take proactive measure in ensuring the system stays at its optimal level. Having tangible numbers to indicate who are their active users can be a useful communication tool to drive the adoption of BW to the wider community within an organisation. For example, an organisation would have heavily investment in an enterprise warehouse solution and would like to see it being productively used. What better way to feed these information back to the management team on the number of active reporting users, the type of reports that are frequently used and how it is being used. It can also be used as impact assessments mechanism in the event where an underlying BW object needs to be modified and the need to understand what and importantly who it will be affected can save the team a lot of Monday morning hate mail. In my opinion, the most beneficial of all in enabling the BW Administration Cockpit is that the information is provided in an Xcelsius dashboard, it is easy to understanding and the information is not overly sensitive. Because of these reasons, I do not see a valid justification for not sharing this information with the larger community. If an organisation uses SAP portal, it can be included as part of the corporate view where it can help to create a culture where information drives decision making and an open and honest view of how the reporting system is performing is a feature everyone can learn to appreciate. Some of the newly provided content such as data consumption by Info. Area is not included into the Xcelsius dashboard but is part of the delivered content. Using this report allows the business to make informed decision on cost e. DDWhV-uc6ss/UGW9ydDNmPI/AAAAAAAAA-4/x3hiSynBpto/s640/Xcelsius1.bmp' alt='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' title='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' />Finance department is the largest memory consumer therefore cross departmental charges can take place with the appropriate groups. Another sample report, the BW DB Usage report can give you an insight into the trend of the data growth and this can help with hardware sizing by avoiding preventable upgrades by channelling funds to other areas of improvement. Solution Overview. If you have been using the technical content from the days of the 3. UjRW5V-t-nQ/SL_3kbYYNBI/AAAAAAAAAEQ/QrWmxsFBVs0/s400/bristol-myers-squibb-pharma-sales-dashboard.png' alt='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' title='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' />This section of the document will provide coverage on the content update from version BW 7. A worthy mention improvement that has been added is the BW Administration Cockpit to assist with monitoring jobs and the health of the BW system. The Administration Cockpit comes in two flavours, which is, the traditional integration with SAP Portal using BEx queries or the new Xcelsius integration. The Xcelsius Dashboard is a representation of the old queries in a new format but it does bring a breath of fresh air to the way we view information and the Xcelsius Dashboard is accessable through transaction RSTCXCLS from the BW system. Intel 865G Graphics Driver Windows 7. With the use of the Xcelsius based BW Administration Cockpit, you are provided with a high level view of the important information to keep your business users happy and with its intuitive layout you are able to locate the information and drill down to the detail error message to understand the next course of action. The monitoring options that are available to you through the Xcelsius Dashboard are Alerts BW Info. Providers with erroneous requests. Performance Monitoring Daily Query Performance and Weekly Process Chain Performance. BW Usage Statistics DB Usage, Query Usage, Top Users, BWA DB OLAP usage        If you are in an environment that uses BW Accelerator to improve query performance, the two new Multi. Providers 0. TCTMC3. TCTMC3. 2                   below can offer you an insight into memory usage that allows you to better utilise your hardware and identify areas of improvements which you can                   perform to spread the load across the server. Some useful queries that are available from the technical content are reports such as CPU usage trends               across periods, hourly CPU trends, Available memory, of memory used and a breakdown of memory usages by Info. PowerPoint-Presentations-How-to-Embed-XCelsius-Dashboard-in-PowerPoint-2010-2.jpg' alt='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' title='Xcelsius Dashboard Templates' />Provider. If BWA is not present, you can still benefit from the Technical Content in the area of report performance if you have enable the OLAP cache consumption. By default and in many instances, the OLAP cache usage will be enabled and tweaks can be made to provide better efficiency or memory        handling method when the cache memory has been exhausted, e. With the new BW7. TCTOLAPDM has been added into Info. SAP BODS Quick Guide Learn SAP BODS in simple and easy steps starting from DW Overview, Types, Products and Vendor, ETL Introduction, SAP BODS Overview. System Landscape Recommendations for SAP NetWeaver 7. Information Centric Capabilities Dirk Anthony, SAP AG June 2011. Cubes 0. TCTC0. TCTCA1 and this acts as a flag to distinguish between the pure OLAP Cache access and the Data Manager access. It is a useful method to identify the objects with high memory usage so that appropriate actions can be taken to switch these objects to use BWA. In another example, when trends on frequently use reporting objects starts to increase, you can create an exception query on an acceptable OLAP Time to flag for appropriate action. Be caution not to overload the BWA server but I guess this is where such report will make sense and allow you to draw the fine line. While the previous version of the technical Content was only able to provide you with information on the status of the data load from a Process Chain, Info. Package and DTP, the BW7. SAP Business. Objects Dashboards Community. Find the latest white papers, tutorials, free trial downloads, blogs, dashboard templates, and service pack hot fixes for SAP business intelligence dashboard, including SAP Crystal Dashboard Design and SAP Business. Objects Dashboards formerly Xcelsius.