Linux Serial Port Redirector


CVE version 20061101 and Candidates as of 20171104 Candidates must be reviewed and accepted by the CVE Editorial Board before they can be added to the official CVE. Home Products The STB Suite is a comprehensive and complete enterprise caliber software testing solution using offtheshelf HBAs to perform complex and unique. Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges System Ports 01023, User Ports 102449151, and the Dynamic andor Private Ports. SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension is an integrated suite of open source clustering technologies that enables you to implement highly available. Sam Yaples we. Blog Ceph and Docker, and Open. Stack, oh my Its true, Mitaka is not quite released yet. That said, these instructions havent changed since Liberty and will stay relevant once Mitaka is officially tagged. The requirements and steps to build Kolla images are provided at docs. Those have already been done and the Docker images exist in my private registry. A bit about my environment before we begin. Linux Serial Port Redirector' title='Linux Serial Port Redirector' />Linux Serial Port RedirectorThese servers are interconnected at 1. Gb using a Netgear XS7. E switch. I have one 1. Gb interface eth. VM traffic for Neutron. The other is in a bond bond. Gb nics for HA. I will be deploying ceph, haproxy, keepalived, rabbitmq, mariadb w galera, and memcached along side the other Open. Stack services with Kolla. To start, we need to do some prep work to the physical disks for Kolla to pick up the disks in the ceph bootstrap process. This would also be the same procedure needed to add new disks in the future. The disks I will be using are devsde, devsdf, devsdg with external journals on my pcie ssd located at etcnvme. I will also be setting up an OSD for using as a cache tier with ceph on the ssd as well. In order for the bootstrap process to tie the appropriate devices together we use GPT partition names to do this. For devsde I create an fresh partition table with a new partition labeled KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1. This explicit naming process is so Kolla never, ever messes with a disk it shouldnt be. KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1 1 1. Model ATA ST4. 00. DM0. 00 1. F2. 1 scsi. Disk devsde 4. GB. Sector size logicalphysical 5. B4. 09. 6B. Partition Table gpt. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags. B 4. 00. 1GB 4. 00. GB btrfs KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1. The same method is used for devsdf and devsdg, but with labels KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP2 and KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP3 respectively. Now we have to setup the external journals for each of those OSDs you can co locate the journals as well by using the label KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP. Linux Serial Port Redirector' title='Linux Serial Port Redirector' />The external journal labels are simply the bootstrap label with J appended. For example, the journal for devsde would be KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1J. Once those labels are in place, the Kolla bootstrap process with happily setup ceph on those disks. If you mess up any of the labels all that will happen is the Kolla bootstrap wont pick up on those disks and you can rerun the playbooks after correcting the issue. The final look of my disks with the cache tier osd and journals is as follows Model ATA ST4. DM0. 00 1. F2. 1 scsi. Linux Serial Port Redirector' title='Linux Serial Port Redirector' />Disk devsde 4. GB. Sector size logicalphysical 5. B4. 09. 6B. Partition Table gpt. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags. B 4. 00. 1GB 4. 00. GB btrfs KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1. Before install Is my router supported We have a page in the Wiki just for you. Supported Devices Will my Router Support Eko NEWD2 Builds The NEWD2 is a wireless. Model ATA ST4. 00. DM0. 00 1. F2. 1 scsi. Disk devsdf 4. GB. Sector size logicalphysical 5. B4. 09. 6B. Partition Table gpt. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags. Linux Serial Port Redirector' title='Linux Serial Port Redirector' />USB over Network. Webcam, Printer, Scanner, Sound for Remote Desktop. Virtual Serial Port. POUND REVERSEPROXY AND LOADBALANCER. The Pound program is a reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS frontend for Web servers. Pound was developed to enable. Share Serial port and USB over Ethernet, access and manage remote USB and COM port devices from everywhere with FlexiHub. B 4. 00. 1GB 4. 00. GB btrfs KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP2. Model ATA ST4. 00. DM0. 00 1. F2. 1 scsi. Disk devsdg 4. GB. Sector size logicalphysical 5. B4. 09. 6B. Partition Table gpt. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags. B 4. 00. 1GB 4. 00. GB btrfs KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP3. Model Unknown unknown. Disk devnvme. 0n. GB. Sector size logicalphysical 5. B5. 12. B. Partition Table gpt. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags. B 1. 00. GB 1. 00. GB btrfs docker. 2 1. GB 3. 30. GB 2. 30. GB KOLLACEPHOSDCACHEBOOTSTRAP1. GB 3. 40. GB 9. 99. MB KOLLACEPHOSDCACHEBOOTSTRAP1J. GB 3. 50. GB 1. 0. GB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP1J. GB 3. 60. GB 1. 0. GB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP2J. GB 3. 70. GB 9. 99. MB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP3J. GB 3. 80. GB 1. 0. GB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP4J. GB 3. 90. GB 1. 0. GB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP5J. GB 4. 00. GB 1. 0. GB KOLLACEPHOSDBOOTSTRAP6J. Next up is configuring my inventory. Normally, you wont need to configure more than the first 4 sections of your inventory if you have copied it from ansibleinventorymultinode. And that is all I have changed in this case as well. My inventory for my three hosts, ubuntu. Once that was finished I modified my globals. The final result is below, all options that I configured with comment sections removed for brevity. COPYALWAYS. kollabasedistro ubuntu. True. enableceph yes. And finally, the etckollapasswords. This contains, you guessed it, passwords. At the time of this writing it has very bad defaults of password as the password. By the time of the Mitaka release this patch will have merged and you be able to run kolla genpwd to populate this file for you with the random passwords and uuids. Once all of that was completed I run the pull playbooks to fetch all of the proper images to the proper hosts with the following command time kolla ansible i etckollainventory pull. Pulling Docker images ansible playbook i etckollainventory e etckollaglobals. PLAY ceph mon ceph osd ceph rgw. GATHERING FACTS. TASK common Pulling kolla toolbox image. PLAY RECAP. After the images were pulled I ran the actual Open. Stack deployment where the magic happens. After this point it was all automated including all the ceph cache tier and galera clustering and I didnt have to touch a thing time kollatoolskolla ansible i etckollainventory deploy. Deploying Playbooks ansible playbook i etckollainventory e etckollaglobals. PLAY ceph mon ceph osd ceph rgw. GATHERING FACTS. TASK common Ensuring config directories exist. PLAY RECAP. And thats it Open. Stack is deployed and good to go. In my case, I could access horizon at the openstack. I supplied. With a 7 and a half minute run time, it is hard to beat the speed of this deployment tool. Bonus Docker running containers on ubuntu. CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES. Up 8 minutes horizon. Up 8 minutes heatengine. Up 8 minutes heatapicfn. Up 8 minutes heatapi. Up 8 minutes cinderbackup. Up 8 minutes cindervolume. Up 8 minutes cinderscheduler. Up 8 minutes cinderapi. Up 9 minutes neutronmetadataagent. Up 9 minutes neutronl. Up 9 minutes neutrondhcpagent. Up 9 minutes neutronopenvswitchagent. Up 9 minutes neutronserver. Up 9 minutes openvswitchvswitchd. Up 9 minutes openvswitchdb. Up 9 minutes novacompute. Up 9 minutes novalibvirt. Up 1. 0 minutes novaconductor. Up 1. 0 minutes novascheduler. Up 1. 0 minutes novanovncproxy. Up 1. 0 minutes novaconsoleauth. Solubilidad Compuestos Organicos Pdf. Up 1. 0 minutes novaapi. Up 1. 0 minutes glanceapi. Up 1. 0 minutes glanceregistry. Up 1. 1 minutes keystone. Up 1. 1 minutes rabbitmq. Up 1. 2 minutes mariadb. Up 1. 3 minutes memcached. Up 1. 3 minutes keepalived. Up 1. 3 minutes haproxy. Up 1. 3 minutes cephrgw. Up 1. 3 minutes cephosd9. Up 1. 3 minutes cephosd7. Sample Device Master File. Up 1. 3 minutes cephosd5. Up 1. 3 minutes cephosd1. Up 1. 5 minutes cephmon. Up 1. 5 minutes cron. Up 1. 5 minutes kollatoolbox. Up 1. 5 minutes heka.